Farmers in Kande Api Village, North Toraja, South Sulawesi, has unique tradition when celebrating harvest season in Tana Toraja. The tradition is called Sisemba dance, which is actually a mass kick fighting.
In Sisemba, men are holding hands to keep their stand firm while at the same time taking turn to land a kick on opponent’s feet. Although it may look like a mass anarchistic fighting, the tradition is claimed to uphold kinship values.
Participants who has fallen are forbidden to be kicked, and those who are injured in Sisemba can not hold grudge toward their opponents.
Children and adults are allowed to participate in Sisemba which is held at an open field. The tradition is an expression of gratitude for the crops and is based on faith that the event will keep them enthusiastic for the work ahead to get the next plentiful crops. Without performing Sisemba, people of Tana Toraja believe that there will be harvest failure.